Booking & Cancellation:
General classes and packages.
- 24hrs notice is required if you are unable to attend one of the class sessions. A new time will be negotiated within the same week.
- Unused classes or Packages cannot be rolled over into next term bookings.
- Unfortunately no refunds or transferable are possible.
- We run small intimate classes and will often provide healthy teas and snacks so for administrative purposes we would appreciate full payment to ensure confirmation of places.
- Casual classes are available - please call first to confirm and payment can be made at the door.
Workshops and Retreats within Australia:
- Two weeks’ notice is required for cancellation. No refund is possible after that date.
- Cancelation fees may be applicable if paid by PayPal to recoup fees charged by PayPal.
Oversea Retreats:
- 15% deposit needed for confirmation of booking.
- Final payment required 4 weeks before departure.
- Full refund if cancellation made before 60 days before departure date.
- 60 day cancelation notice is required for full refund less deposit.
- No refund after 30 days
- Payment can be made online through PayPal or direct bank transfer
- PayPal and credit card transactions attracts a $3% fee, 4% on none Australian Currency.
Cancellations by us:
- In the rare case of the regular classes being cancelled, we will notify you by your preferred contact method. You will be given the option to come to the following class in the same week or credited to your next package.
Health Issues:
- It is recommended that before starting any exercise regime that you consult with your GP. If you have any special health conditions or requirements please discuss with your teacher before class. It is expected that with any new exercise you would experience a little discomfort but not pain. Please let your teacher know if you have any concerns.Type your paragraph here.
Booking and Cancellation Policy